Книги, переведенные Л.Мошинской
- Лэндрет, Гарри - Игровая терапия: искусство отношений. М., 1994.
- Крафт, Артур, Лэндрет, Гарри - Родители как психотерапевты. М., 2000.
- Лэндрет, Гарри (с соавторами) - Игровая терапия как способ решения проблем ребенка. М.,2001.
- Лэндрет, Гарри (ред.) - Новые направления в игровой терапии: проблемы,
процессы и особые популяции. М., Когито-Центр (в печати).
Игровая терапия
Книги на русском языке
- Кэдьюсон, Хайди, Шефер, Чарлз - Практикум по игровой психотерапии. Питер, 2000.
Книги на английском языке
Ben-Aron, Miriam, Harel Judith, Kaplan
Hauta, Patt, Raya – Mother- Child and Father-Child Psychotherapy (A Manual for
the treatment of relational disturbances in childhood). Whurr Publishers,
London. 2001
Faber, Adele & Mazlish, Elaine – How To Talk So Kids
would Listen & Listen So Kids Would Talk. Avon Books, NY, 1980. Faber, Adele
& Mazlish, Elaine – How To Talk So Kids Can Learn. Fireside, NY. 1995
Gil, Eliana – Play in Family Therapy. The Guilford Press, NY – London,
Kaduson, Heidy, Schaefer, Charles (eds.) – Short-Term Play Therapy for
Children.The Guilford Press, ny – London, 2000.
Kraft, Arthur, Landreth,
Garry – Parents As Therapeutic Partners.
Landreth, Garry (ed.) – Play
Therapy: Dynamic of the Process of Counseling with Children. Charles C. Thomas –
Publisher, Springfield, Illinois.1982.
Landreth, Garry (ed.) –
Innovations In Play Therapy (Issues, Processes and Special Populations).
Bruner-Routledge, PA, 2001.
Landreth, Garry – Play Therapy: The Art of
the Relationship. 2nd ed., Bruner-Routledge, NY. 2002.
Schaefer, Charls,
O’Konnor, Kevin (eds.) – Handbook of Play Therapy. John Wiley & Sons, NY,
Sweeney, Daniel, Homeyer, Linda – The Handbook of Group Play
Therapy. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco. 1999.
VanFleet, Rise – Filial Therapy: Strengthening Parent-Child Relashionship Through Play.
Professional Research Play, Sarasota, Florida. 1994.
Winnocott, Donald –
Playing and Reality. Tavistock Publications, London, 1971.
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